Monday, April 13, 2009

Pics from April 4th, 2009

And yes, that's REAL blood...
Dr. Death Steve Williams!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Match!

So, it came and went! April 4th, 2009 at the Phil Long Expo Center, ACW's 100th show! The card was packed, ACW originals Chris Matthews, John O'Malley, Angel Williams and of course, Brandon Bishop! Dr. Death was also in the house! I also wrestled my very first match against Mitch Carter. This was a big deal to me, as I spent about a month freaking out about it, lol. I'd have to say that I impressed myself and was very proud that I didn't stink the place up. Mitch is an amazing performer and if it wasn't for him and Buster (our referee) I couldn't have survived! The match went well, the show as a whole was even better! So, without further ado... April 4th, 2009, ACW's 100th show! My match is on Part II at the 47 second mark!



Thanks to all that showed up!


Friday, April 3, 2009

The Big Day

So, it's hard to believe, but it's here.. well, tomorrow that is. My first ever professional wrestling match. I can't stress enough how much I love the business, so it's and honor stepping in the ring with a guy who's a complete pro and someone for whom I have nothing but the most upmost respect and love for. Not to mention all the guys in the back that I feel I'm going to have to prove myself to.. I mean, why the hell is the ring announcer stepping in the ring?! If you've been reading (of course you have) I've been hitting the gym regularly now for the last couple weeks, and it's actually starting to feel pretty damn good! All for preperation for this match. Someone who's been watching over me and talking me through all the nerves I have is a fellow wrestler, Zane Morris, who is like a guru to those of us who are close to him. Last night we set the ring up at the Expo Center and got a feel for the ring again, oh how I missed it so! Zane met up with me at 8 and we 'rassled for 2 1/2 hours just to make sure I was somewhat comfortable stepping into the ring. I'll admit, I feel like I got hit by a bus! Anyone who refers to wrestling as fake, should step in a ring and tell me how it feels! My match is gonna be full of surprises that I REALLY think the fans aren't going to expect but are going to love! I'd love as many people as possible to come the show, APRIL 4TH @ THE PHIL LONG EXPO CENTER @ 7PM! LOLz ok, now that I got that out the way, here it is, the reason I'm wrestling. The first two videos are the highlights from the February 28th, 2009 show (I get my world rocked on part 2 at roughly 4:26 then I get my revenge at 7:27). The third video is just the kick I took to the neck. My brother and lifelong hetero life mate Brandon Bishop LOVED the kick, and what he says GOES! Enjoy :)




Wednesday, April 1, 2009

American Idol

Ok, continuing on with tradition, and being just three days away from my big match, here's the show from December 20th, 2008... don't think I got beat up, but still a great show! Til next time!


