Monday, March 30, 2009

The craziest week of my LIFE!

Below is the show from November 1st, 2008. This was great because I got to induct the legendary Dr. Death Steve Williams into our very own 'Hall of Respect'! That's it for now, I'm sure it's going to be a crazy week! Til next time.. take er sleazy!




Friday, March 27, 2009

Surviving the "blizzard"

Ok, this was the first show that I actually felt like a wrestler, I took my first bump in front of a crowd!!! This show was on September 27th, 2008. Sadly, it doesn't have any audio, but you get the idea :) .. by the way, I get my ass kicked in Part II at roughly 9:37, enjoy!



Monday, March 23, 2009


Ok, this was the ACW show on August 16th, 2008. It took me a couple shows to get comfortable being in front of a wrestling crowd, but I think this was the first show I actually had faith in myself, haha. Anywho, enjoy!



Thursday, March 19, 2009

Killer Week!

So continuing on, showing you what I love to do outside of the radio world. This was ACW's (Asylum Championship Wrestling) July 18th, 2008 show, well, the highlights anyways!

Monday, March 16, 2009


So, this being new and all, there's a lot about my life I'd like to share with you, but there is a history, so for the next couple weeks with each new post, i'm going to give you a little look into the life of Danger Dean, video stylie! So, before I tell you about the b day weekend, check out this video of my favorite thing outside of radio... PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! I'm a huge wrestling fan, and if you've read my bio, you would've seen that! Here's the hightlight video of my very first show with Asylum Championship Wrestling, June 13th, 2008! Enjoy!